Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Zomblogalypse Online Shop - buy badges and donate!

Hey folks,

This is a temporary shop until we get something up on the main site.

If you'd like to buy our BADGE SET, just hit the banner below and they will be sent to you as soon as the badges arrive in early February. Don't forget your address details!

If it's our FX FUND you'd like to donate some money to, click the banner below.

Remember, for any amount of £10 or over you get a sponsorship credit in Season 3. For £100 or more you get an Executive Producer credit for the series. If you do donate, we want to thank you very , very much for helping us continue to make the show.


Here below is our ZOMBLOG-OMETER, showing how much we've raised out of the £1,000 we need for Season 3. This will be updated as we receive more donations.

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