Wednesday, 23 September 2009

CrimeFighters Trailer and a gap in my John Hughes viewing

Just discovered, while watching Sixteen Candles today, that I've never seen it before! How could such a glaring omission occur? Anyway it's great because it's like the John Hughes movie that fell through time after his death for me to enjoy, whereas for everyone else there are no new JH movies.... although, same for me now. Sigh...

Also today, we put the first CrimeFighters teaser trailer online. Nice to show people what we've been working on, although now of course I want to get on with the next trailer... and the rest of the film!


Steve Zombi said...

Intriguing. I wish to see more of this 'crimefighters' of which you post...

Miles said...

There will be more sir, oh yes, much more...