Thursday, 3 December 2009

Sound Design 1: The First 40 minutes of CrimeFighters

So the first 40 minutes of CrimeFighters is rough cut and I just watched it, which was amazing, seeing the first act and a half of the film without any scenes missing.

And it's not that rough either; Tony has done a terrific job cutting it together, having taken in my persistent comments and suggestions during production of how he should do this and that. I needn't have worried.

What's clear from the rough cut is that sound and music are going to play a HUGE part in the character of this film. Without sound mixing, sound effects and a music score, it's pretty bare. What I realised is that York itself will need to take on a character of its own in the film, with shots around the town not just there to look pretty (and they do) but to add - along with the music - to the tone of menace and excitement that builds up for the first half an hour.

Here's Dan Vivash recording sound on the set; he did such a great job that in terms of sound, we're already halfway there.

Starting tomorow, we begin foley, which is pretty much sound effects and atmosphere. Can't wait, as one of my heroes growing up, and still is, sound designer Ben Burtt. When it comes to sound, you don't get much better than him or Randy Thom.

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