Friday, 23 October 2009

CrimeFighters Pickups Day 1: House Invasion!

If I wasn't quite feeling like we were about to start shooting the film again yesterday, I certainly am today:


As I said to Paul, it felt a little bit like that scene in E.T where their home is suddenly full of big scary equipment, wires running everywhere and people in every room and corridor. Though thankfully they didn't feel the need to envelop the house in a huge plastic bubble.

Today we filmed bits and pieces of 4 different scenes, and I chose my house because it was a nice gentle, convenient way to start the shoot. A couple of single shots indoors then outside to the alley (again) to film inserts from a scene we shot back in August, and extra shots from a rain-soaked scene we didn't quite finish last time.

Got some excellent shots and at the end of the night, having simulated rain for 2 hours on a nice clear night and soaked most of the cast and crew, we wrapped for the night... and it started raining. Ho ho.

And so I write this on morning 2 of the shoot, having had about 4 hours crappy sleep, my head full of thoughts and worries about the day/week ahead, and we've got about a 14 hour shoot day today. Yeah, NOW it feels like we're filming.

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