Tuesday, 25 August 2009

The Aftermath.

I can't believe we did it.

When you look at the big To Do list as the months ticked past, and then at the production schedule, it's amazing that we got 80% of the film shot in 2 weeks, and to such a professional standard. It's amazing that the weather was awful for the whole of July and then sunny for practically the whole shoot. It's amazing that the cast and crew surpassed themselves and that the whole of York banded together to help us make the film. So many stories, so many heroes and this is beginning to sound like a film trailer...

Speaking of which, Tony and I are working on the first CrimeFighters teaser trailer over the next couple of weeks and will throw it your way as soon as possible. We're also working out the logistics of the Zomblog finale, which, although it will be pretty insane, is going to seem like a walk in the park (possibly with chicken drumsticks taped to our legs) compared to the CrimeFighters shoot. I can't wait to get into Z-blog mode again and make the last two episodes of Season 2. The blood-drenched finale will premiere at City Screen on Hallowe'en, and we'll be whoring that event very soon.

Post-production has begun on CrimeFighters, which includes Tony and I doing a rough edit of the film, creating sound effects, a music score from The Sorry Kisses, and getting the pickups shoot sessions planned. I reckon it will be 4 days in October; 1 in the pub, 1 in the church hideout, 1 by the Minster, and 1 of daytime scenes around York. It'll be great to have a few weeks off then get back to making the rest of CrimeFighters when we're all fresh and rested.

Now that we've wrapped principal photography on CrimeFighters, I can honestly say that it was the most daunting, amazing, rewarding, terrifying, stressful, tiring and FUN experience of my life so far, and worth every damn second. And the real journey is actually only about to begin...

There we go with trailer talk again...

In the city... you've got to fight to surviiiiiive...

Trailer coming soon...


Teresa Stenson said...

Well done all of you Creme-de-la-Crime Fighters!

Think Bella should review the film when it's finished...

Miles said...

Hehe, that would be pretty great, I wonder if she'd be impressed by the bit where someone corrects someone's grammar in the middle of a fight?